Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Buddha and Marx

Marx and Buddha.. Probably you may claim that i am committing a crime by writing these names together.. Whereas approximately one million Tibetan including peaceful Buddhist monks were brutally killed during Chinese takeover of Tibet under Mao Ze Dong communist regime stating "religion is poison", forgetting the fact that any political opinion is also a kind of religion i.e. a way of life in a more logical way relevant to recent times .. Six thousand Buddhist monasteries were destroyed.. Marxist Government oppressed so many people around the world during their ruling, threatened and raped democracy.. Marx means terror, war and blood to general population.. Whereas Buddha means peace, serenity.. Probably your claim is right, but after going through this analysis you may find that may be this world misunderstood these two men.. No i am not stating that politics and religion should be merged like it did in Rome earlier.. Well, i must clear my opinion about communism and Buddhism.. I think human psychology is complex one, is developed and modified according to time, environment.. And so the problems of human civilization can't be solved by a single philosophy or a rigid point of view.. Now i am coming to the main discussion.. Both Buddha and Marx were worried about a single question from young age - "What is the root cause of human suffering".. Both were born in a economically stable family.. But eventually they faced this question and went in two different ways.. Siddhartha (Name of Buddha before enlightenment)  was born when Brahmin culture was polluting hinduism, caste struggle was too much prominent (in case of Marx there was class struggle) and Jainism due to its too soft nature couldn’t find a practical way.. Marx was born after French Revolution when people were too tired to obey all those Christian rules.. Siddartha abandoned his family and went into the woods to debate with himself through meditation to find a way out.. Marx was influenced by Hegel, Professor of his college..  They created a bohemian group who discussed ideas and philosophies how to liberate people out of their miseries.. Due to political pressure Marx had to abandon his wife and kids in young age.. If we think superficially Marxism has nothing to do with Buddhism.. But if you dig a little deeper you can find the true meaning of leftist? During French revolution, National Assembly divided into supporters of the king to the president's right and supporters of the revolution to his left. Thus the terms were evolved.. Later when the National Assembly was replaced by a Legislative assembly comprising entirely new members, the divisions continued. "Innovators" sat on the left, "moderates" gathered in the centre, while the "conscientious defenders of the constitution" found themselves sitting on the right.. You may find this funny that maximum self proclaimed leftists of West Bengal are not actually leftist.. And right wing people of India  not always belong to right.. Bengalis love a secure Government job, they love to stay in the same house and don’t want to discuss ideas, they are conservative in nature, love status quo .. They watch mind fucking low grade rotten serials.. They love patriarchal dominance, hindu muslim christian rituals and love to care about boy-education more than girls in their home.. Well, after all, thinking about your own bank balance should not be considered as leftist. No wonder why there is sudden right shift in Bengal Politics.. Because they belonged to right wing all along.. They voted for left once because probably they thought it was cute!!  And left leaders had no idea what leftist philosophy was.. They just opposed and grabbed the advantage of hate politics during 70s.. However coming to main topic, so when, Buddha was saying that, "Find your own path, be your own light ", do you really think that belongs to right wing? .. He opened a liberal wing..  He told that " Don’t go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture".. Buddha asked to agree with reasons.. Remember this was the time when Jesus Christ was not even born.. Buddhism is not flawless.. Moreover his disciples were somewhat misunderstood him.. Buddha didn’t promote worshiping an Avatar.. Probably average human beings at that time ( also till now) were not so strong to bear the concept of a philosophy without avatar.. So, as the student was not ready, the teacher was somewhat misunderstood.. No doctrine is flawless according to any scientific mind.. But worshipping any Avatar or anything , didn’t allow any modifications.. So Buddhism became another modified version of Hinduism, full with rituals.. However, it offered us a most peaceful, liberal religious philosophy.. There is always a middle way.. Buddhism offered a central point of view with slight inclination to liberal leftist.. As we know, Marx also tried almost the same.. When followers of Hegel were extremist to state that religion is the root cause of all problems of the oppressed class, Marx modified their statement that Religion is like opium to them.. Nothing else.. Root problem is capitalism .. Not religion.. He worked together with Frederich Engles.. Marx never asked to worship him.. Still you can see so called communists to worship statue of Marx and right wing people vandalize wherever they see statue of Marx.. You can't vandalise an idea and also worshiping any statue doesn’t make any sense to any idea.. Modifications do.. Marxist rulers across the world assimilated the idea of Marxism in a wrong way.. Where Marx was fond of debate, discussion, Marxist rulers mostly never fond of opposition just like every other fascist rulers.. They forgot the fact that Marx himself started his protest through a newspaper journalism.. Engels told in grave of Marx - Your work will be remembered ages after your death.. Within 70 years, one third of Earth was ruled by communist Govt.. But they broke down easily.. Because people just accepted the ideology as school of fish.. They didn’t understand properly, didn’t discuss.. So their Government offered nothing but modified capitalism..
Buddha and Marx both were genius philosopher ahead of their time.. If you want to understand them go through their philosophy and debate with yourself and others.. Its very difficult for common people to assimilate such great ideas.. They just love to watch the apple to fall from the tree and eat them.. Same is true for Einstein's theory of relativity.. However, leftist never made a good ruler, because by definition of National assembly, they are a good opposition.. The ideal king should be a Buddha Who is in the centre to moderate and liberal enough to keep balance between conservative right and revolutionary left..

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পাঁচ মিনিট

"বিষ টা খাওয়ার আগে একবার আমাকে বলতো!! " কথাটা শেষ করতে না করতেই গলা ধরে এলো কিরণ এর। হাসপাতালের ক্রিটিক্যাল কেয়ার ইউনিট এর বাইরে ...